Cards – Oregon

Handmade Cards – Oregon

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"Sweet Tooth" - Handmade Card

"Sweet Tooth" - Handmade Card


“Sweet Tooth”

Location: Hood River, Oregon (2019)

Mt. Hood in mid-October with fluorescent pink clouds as seen in the early morning from Panorama Point near Hood River, Oregon.

Using, a telephoto lens, I zoomed in as close as I could to Mt. Hood. The sky was full of wispy white clouds that would soon turn pink at sunrise.

Having driven 90 minutes in the dark from my warm bed to my current location, shivering in the cold, I was relieved to see those clouds.

I had expected the sky to be cloud free, but I had never been to Panorama Point. My intent was to survey the area before photographing the autumn colors at Laurance Lake Road later in the morning – the reason for coming this far. (See “Golden Guards”)

The clouds and sky remind me of cotton candy. That pink and blue cotton candy they serve at festivals and ball games. And Mt Hood with its fresh blanket of snow, resembles a dollop of whipping cream.

Don’t show your dentist this photograph.

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