Cards – Oregon

Handmade Cards – Oregon

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"Horsetail Falls" - Handmade Card

"Horsetail Falls" - Handmade Card


“Horsetail Falls”

Location: Columbia River Gorge, Oregon (2019)

Constantly eroding the basalt rock underneath, Horsetail Falls even in the cold of winter shows no signs of slowing down her torrent of water.

This is the first time I’ve photographed the falls. Having visited frequently before as a hiker prior to becoming a photographer.

It just so happened that this winter we had snow in the valley and the Columbia River Gorge. (Doesn’t snow that much except for in the mountains here in Oregon.)

Most folks might not recognize this waterfall as I took this photograph under the bridge of the old historic Hwy 30 that curves in front of the falls. (You’ll find peace and quiet if you see the falls from here, but not if you view from the traditional viewpoint.)

[This photograph was taken in the winter prior to “Horsetail Falls (Autumn)”.]

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