BAPstract Store
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⏰Time | 🌊Ocean | ☀️Sunlight
Explore The 4th Dimension With “BAPstracts”: Brendan Alex Phoenix Abstracts.
The “Stripes” Collection:
Each artwork is like a portal into another dimension where past, future, and present are all just different expressions of an eternal now.
Albert Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity reveal our reality as having four dimensions (three spatial + one temporal) that form a block universe where everything exists.
Brendan, through his abstract photographs of ocean and sunlight, creatively visualizes this 4th dimension as a tapestry of light and color extending infinitely across space and time.
Experience the fabric of the cosmos through the transcendental vibration of the “Stripes”.
“Each artwork is like a portal into another dimension.”
The “Now Clock” Collection:
Imagine time as the same everywhere all at once regardless of what the clock or calendar shows. Past, present, future? It’s all relative to the observer.
In a 4th-dimensional universe or block universe, every moment in spacetime is happening now. Your birth? Now. Reading this? Now. Your death? Now.
“Now Clocks” were created to challenge the ingrained perception of time in our daily lives, and to encourage ourselves to live fully and freely in the moment.
Here, there, or anywhere; it’s always now o’clock!
“Be present in the here and now.”
Shop the “BAPstract” Collection
Please carefully review the items in your cart before you purchase.
[For more information, click here]
About The Price:
Price is determined by both size and uniqueness of artwork.
Certain color combinations are harder to obtain and some artwork can be hung in more than one direction.
Shipping Information:
• Most artworks or “Stripes” are made-to-order.
Orders ship 1-3 weeks after being placed.
• ”Now Clocks” are in stock and available unless stated otherwise.
Tracking will be provided via USPS Priority Mail.
[See FAQ for shipping details]
(PLEASE NOTE: Some artwork is only available for WILL CALL or local pickup – Newberg, OR.)
Contact for a custom quote.