BAPstract Store

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⏰Time | 🌊Ocean | ☀️Sunlight

Explore The 4th Dimension With “BAPstracts”: Brendan Alex Phoenix Abstracts.

The “Stripes” Collection:

Each artwork is like a portal into another dimension where past, future, and present are all just different expressions of an eternal now.

Albert Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity reveal our reality as having four dimensions (three spatial + one temporal) that form a block universe where everything exists.

Brendan, through his abstract photographs of ocean and sunlight, creatively visualizes this 4th dimension as a tapestry of light and color extending infinitely across space and time.

Experience the fabric of the cosmos through the transcendental vibration of the “Stripes”.

Sizes range from 12” x 12” to 40” x 60”.
Seen here is a 39” x 52” (“Stripes (20)”)

“Each artwork is like a portal into another dimension.

Clocks are 10” in diameter and battery operated.
The bezels are hand painted by Brendan.

The “Now Clock” Collection:

Imagine time as the same everywhere all at once regardless of what the clock or calendar shows. Past, present, future? It’s all relative to the observer.

In a 4th-dimensional universe or block universe, every moment in spacetime is happening now. Your birth? Now. Reading this? Now. Your death? Now.

Now Clocks” were created to challenge the ingrained perception of time in our daily lives, and to encourage ourselves to live fully and freely in the moment.

Here, there, or anywhere; it’s always now o’clock!

“Be present in the here and now.”

Shop the “BAPstract” Collection

"Now Clock (18)" - 10" Wall Clock

"Now Clock (18)" - 10" Wall Clock


Always be on time – no matter where you are in the universe with this functional and abstract 10” quartz wall clock designed by photographic artist Brendan Alex Phoenix.

Inspired by theoretical physicist Albert Einstein’s General Relativity and filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar, Brendan’s “Now Clocks” creatively combine past, present, and future into a singular now to illustrate our place in a 4th-dimensional universe and to connect ourselves across the expanse of time and space.

Here, there, or anywhere; it’s always “now o’clock”!

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In stock and available for either USPS SHIPPING or STORE PICKUP (Newberg, Oregon).
Contact for pickup arrangements.

Bezel is hand-signed and decorated individually by Brendan.

Design explanations and Certificate of Authority adorn the reserve side.

Now Clocks” – Where Art meets Science.

Born yesterday. Here today. Gone tomorrow.
Always NOW.